Source code for pymap.parsing.response.specials

from __future__ import annotations

from import Iterable, Mapping
from contextlib import AbstractAsyncContextManager
from itertools import chain
from typing import TypeAlias, ClassVar, Final, SupportsBytes

from . import UntaggedResponse
from ..modutf7 import modutf7_encode
from ..primitives import Nil, List, QuotedString, String
from ..specials import Mailbox, FetchAttribute, FetchValue, StatusAttribute
from ...bytes import MaybeBytes, BytesFormat, WriteStream

__all__ = ['FlagsResponse', 'ExistsResponse', 'RecentResponse',
           'ExpungeResponse', 'FetchResponse', 'SearchResponse',
           'ESearchResponse', 'StatusResponse', 'ListResponse',
           'LSubResponse', 'IdResponse']

_WritingHook: TypeAlias = AbstractAsyncContextManager[None]

[docs] class FlagsResponse(UntaggedResponse): """Constructs the special FLAGS response used by the SELECT and EXAMINE commands. Args: flags: Flags in the response. """ def __init__(self, flags: Iterable[MaybeBytes]) -> None: super().__init__() self.flags = flags @property def text(self) -> bytes: text = BytesFormat(b'FLAGS %b') % List(self.flags, sort=True) return super().text + text
[docs] class ExistsResponse(UntaggedResponse): """Constructs the special EXISTS response used by the SELECT and EXAMINE commands. Args: num: The number of messages existing in the mailbox. """ def __init__(self, num: int) -> None: super().__init__() self.num = num @property def text(self) -> bytes: return super().text + b'%i EXISTS' % self.num
[docs] class RecentResponse(UntaggedResponse): """Constructs the special RECENT response used by the SELECT and EXAMINE commands. Args: num: The number of recent messages in the mailbox. """ def __init__(self, num: int) -> None: super().__init__() self.num = num @property def text(self) -> bytes: return super().text + b'%i RECENT' % self.num
[docs] class ExpungeResponse(UntaggedResponse): """Constructs the special EXPUNGE response used by the EXPUNGE command. Args: seq: The message sequence number. """ def __init__(self, seq: int) -> None: super().__init__() self.seq = seq @property def text(self) -> bytes: return super().text + b'%i EXPUNGE' % self.seq
[docs] class FetchResponse(UntaggedResponse): """Constructs the special FETCH response used by the STORE and FETCH commands. Args: seq: The message sequence number. data: Fetch attributes and values for the message. writing_hook: An async context manager to enter while the untagged response is being written. """ def __init__(self, seq: int, data: Iterable[FetchValue], *, writing_hook: _WritingHook | None = None) \ -> None: super().__init__(writing_hook=writing_hook) self.seq = seq dict[FetchAttribute, FetchValue] = { attr.attribute: attr for attr in data} @property def merge_key(self) -> int: return self.seq
[docs] def merge(self, other: FetchResponse) -> FetchResponse: """Merge the other FETCH response, adding any fetch attributes that do not already exist in this FETCH response. For example:: * 3 FETCH (UID 119) * 3 FETCH (FLAGS (\\Seen)) Would merge into:: * 3 FETCH (UID 119 FLAGS (\\Seen)) Args: other: The other response to merge. """ if self.seq != other.seq: raise ValueError(other) new_data = | writing_hook = other.writing_hook or self.writing_hook return FetchResponse(self.seq, new_data.values(), writing_hook=writing_hook)
@property def text(self) -> bytes: return b'%i FETCH' % (self.seq, )
[docs] def write(self, writer: WriteStream) -> None: writer.write(b'%b %b ' % (self.tag, self.text)) data_list = List( data_list.write(writer) writer.write(b'\r\n')
[docs] class SearchResponse(UntaggedResponse): """Constructs the special SEARCH response used by the SEARCH command. Args: seqs: List of message sequence integers. """ def __init__(self, seqs: Iterable[int]) -> None: super().__init__() self.seqs = seqs @property def text(self) -> bytes: text = BytesFormat(b' ').join( [b'SEARCH'], [b'%i' % seq for seq in self.seqs]) return super().text + text
[docs] class ESearchResponse(UntaggedResponse): """Constructs the special ESEARCH response used by extended SEARCH commands. This response should be mutually exclusive with SEARCH responses. See Also: `RFC 4466 2.6.2. <>`_ Args: issuer_tag: The command tag, if issued in response to a command. uid: True if the response refers to message UIDs. data: The returned search data pairs. """ def __init__(self, issuer_tag: bytes | None, uid: bool, data: Mapping[bytes, MaybeBytes]) -> None: super().__init__() self.issuer_tag = issuer_tag self.uid = uid = data @property def text(self) -> bytes: prefixes: list[bytes] = [] if self.issuer_tag is not None: prefixes += [BytesFormat(b'(TAG "%b")') % self.issuer_tag] if self.uid: prefixes += [b'UID'] parts = [(item.upper(), bytes(value)) for item, value in sorted(] return super().text + BytesFormat(b' ').join(prefixes, *parts)
[docs] class StatusResponse(UntaggedResponse): """Constructs the special STATUS response used by the STATUS command. Args: name: The name of the mailbox. data: Dictionary mapping status attributes to their values. """ def __init__(self, name: str, data: Mapping[StatusAttribute, MaybeBytes]) -> None: super().__init__() = name = data @property def text(self) -> bytes: data_list = List(chain.from_iterable( return super().text + BytesFormat(b' ').join( [b'STATUS', Mailbox(, data_list])
[docs] class ListResponse(UntaggedResponse): """Constructs the special LIST response used by the LIST command. Args: mailbox: The mailbox name. sep: The heirarchy separation character. attrs: The attribute flags associated with the mailbox. """ _name: ClassVar[bytes] = b'LIST' def __init__(self, mailbox: str, sep: str | None, attrs: Iterable[bytes]) -> None: super().__init__() self.mailbox = mailbox self.sep = sep self.attrs = attrs @property def text(self) -> bytes: if self.sep: sep_obj: MaybeBytes = QuotedString(modutf7_encode(self.sep)) else: sep_obj = Nil() attrs_obj = List([b'\\' + attr for attr in self.attrs]) return super().text + BytesFormat(b' ').join( (self._name, attrs_obj, sep_obj, Mailbox(self.mailbox)))
[docs] class LSubResponse(ListResponse): """Constructs the special LSUB response used by the LSUB command.""" _name = b'LSUB'
[docs] class IdResponse(UntaggedResponse): """Constructs the untagged ID response used by the ID command. Args: parameters: Optional mapping of key/value parameters sent back to the client. """ #: Type alias for the response parameter key/value mapping. Parameters: TypeAlias = Mapping[bytes, bytes] def __init__(self, parameters: Parameters | None) -> None: super().__init__() self.parameters: Final = parameters @property def text(self) -> bytes: parameters = self.parameters value: SupportsBytes = Nil() if parameters is not None: value = List( for token in chain.from_iterable(parameters.items())) return b'ID %s' % value