Source code for pymap.parsing.response

from __future__ import annotations

from import Hashable, AsyncIterator
from contextlib import asynccontextmanager, AbstractAsyncContextManager
from typing import overload, TypeAlias, TypeVar, Final

from ...bytes import MaybeBytes, BytesFormat, WriteStream, Writeable

__all__ = ['ResponseCode', 'Response', 'CommandResponse', 'UntaggedResponse',
           'ResponseContinuation', 'ResponseBad', 'ResponseNo', 'ResponseOk',
           'ResponseBye', 'ResponsePreAuth', 'ResponseT']

#: Type variable with an upper bound of :class:`Response`.
ResponseT = TypeVar('ResponseT', bound='Response')

_Mergeable: TypeAlias = dict[tuple[type['Response'], Hashable], int]
_WritingHook: TypeAlias = AbstractAsyncContextManager[None]

[docs] class ResponseCode: """Base class for response codes that may be returned along with IMAP server responses. """ def __bytes__(self) -> bytes: raise NotImplementedError @overload @classmethod def of(cls, code: None) -> None: ... @overload @classmethod def of(cls, code: MaybeBytes) -> ResponseCode: ...
[docs] @classmethod def of(cls, code: MaybeBytes | None) -> ResponseCode | None: """Build and return an anonymous response code object. Args: code: The code string, without square brackets. """ if code is not None: return _AnonymousResponseCode(code) else: return None
class _AnonymousResponseCode(ResponseCode): def __init__(self, code: MaybeBytes) -> None: super().__init__() self.code = code def __bytes__(self) -> bytes: return BytesFormat(b'[%b]') % self.code
[docs] class Response(Writeable): """Base class for all responses sent from the server to the client. These responses may be sent unsolicited (e.g. idle timeouts) or in response to a tagged command from the client. Args: tag: The tag bytestring of the associated command, a plus (``+``) to indicate a continuation requirement, or an asterisk (``*``) to indicate an untagged response. text: The response text. code: Optional response code. Attributes: tag: The tag bytestring. """ #: The condition bytestring, e.g. ``OK``. condition: bytes | None = None def __init__(self, tag: MaybeBytes, text: MaybeBytes | None = None, code: ResponseCode | None = None) -> None: super().__init__() self.tag = bytes(tag) self._code = code self._text = text or b'' self._raw: bytes | None = None @property def text(self) -> bytes: """The response text.""" if self.condition: if self.code: return BytesFormat(b'%b %b %b') \ % (self.condition, self.code, self._text) else: return BytesFormat(b'%b %b') % (self.condition, self._text) else: return bytes(self._text) @property def code(self) -> ResponseCode | None: """Optional response code.""" return self._code @code.setter def code(self, code: ResponseCode | None) -> None: self._code = code self._raw = None @property def is_terminal(self) -> bool: """True if the response contained an untagged ``BYE`` response indicating that the session should be terminated. """ return False @property def is_bad(self) -> bool: """True if the response indicates an error in the command received from the client. """ return False
[docs] async def async_write(self, writer: WriteStream) -> None: """Like :meth:`~pymap.bytes.Writeable.write`, but allows for asynchronous processing that might be necessary for some responses. Args: writer: The output stream. """ self.write(writer)
[docs] def write(self, writer: WriteStream) -> None: writer.write(b'%b %b\r\n' % (self.tag, self.text))
def __bytes__(self) -> bytes: return self.tobytes()
[docs] class CommandResponse(Response): """A response sent to finish the response to a command. The *tag* must correspond to the tag given in the command. Untagged responses may precede the command response, according to the rules of the command. Args: tag: The tag bytestring of the associated command. text: The response text. code: Optional response code. """ def __init__(self, tag: MaybeBytes, text: MaybeBytes | None = None, code: ResponseCode | None = None) -> None: super().__init__(tag, text, code) self._untagged: list[UntaggedResponse] = [] self._mergeable: _Mergeable = {}
[docs] def add_untagged(self, *responses: UntaggedResponse) -> None: """Add an untagged response. These responses are shown before the command response. Args: responses: The untagged responses to add. """ for resp in responses: try: merge_key = resp.merge_key except TypeError: self._untagged.append(resp) else: key = (type(resp), merge_key) try: untagged_idx = self._mergeable[key] except KeyError: untagged_idx = len(self._untagged) self._mergeable[key] = untagged_idx self._untagged.append(resp) else: merged = self._untagged[untagged_idx].merge(resp) self._untagged[untagged_idx] = merged self._raw = None
[docs] def add_untagged_ok(self, text: MaybeBytes, code: ResponseCode | None = None) -> None: """Add an untagged ``OK`` response. See Also: :meth:`.add_untagged`, :class:`ResponseOk` Args: text: The response text. code: Optional response code. """ response = UntaggedResponse(text, code, condition=b'OK') self.add_untagged(response)
@property def is_terminal(self) -> bool: for resp in self._untagged: if resp.is_terminal: return True return super().is_terminal
[docs] async def async_write(self, writer: WriteStream) -> None: for untagged in self._untagged: await untagged.async_write(writer) super().write(writer)
[docs] def write(self, writer: WriteStream) -> None: for untagged in self._untagged: untagged.write(writer) super().write(writer)
[docs] class UntaggedResponse(Response): """A response issued prior to a :class:`CommandResponse`, which may include details results from the command or updated mailbox state. Args: text: The response text. code: Optional response code. condition: A condition string, e.g. ``OK``. writing_hook: An async context manager to enter while the untagged response is being written. """ def __init__(self, text: MaybeBytes | None = None, code: ResponseCode | None = None, *, condition: bytes | None = None, writing_hook: _WritingHook | None = None) \ -> None: super().__init__(b'*', text, code) if condition is not None: self.condition = condition self.writing_hook: Final = writing_hook @classmethod @asynccontextmanager async def _noop_cm(cls) -> AsyncIterator[None]: yield @property def merge_key(self) -> Hashable: """Returns a hashable value which can be compared to other :attr:`.merge_key` values of the same response type to see if the two responses can be merged. Raises: TypeError: This response type may not be merged. """ raise TypeError(self)
[docs] def merge(self: ResponseT, other: ResponseT) -> ResponseT: """Return a copy of this response with the other response merged in. Args: other: The other response to merge. Raises: TypeError: This response type may not be merged. ValueError: The two responses are not mergeable. """ raise TypeError(self)
[docs] async def async_write(self, writer: WriteStream) -> None: writing_hook = self.writing_hook or self._noop_cm() async with writing_hook: await super().async_write(writer)
[docs] class ResponseContinuation(Response): """Class used for server responses that indicate a continuation requirement. This is when the server needs more data from the client to finish handling the command. The ``AUTHENTICATE`` command and any command that uses a literal string argument will send this response as needed. Args: text: The continuation text. """ def __init__(self, text: MaybeBytes) -> None: super().__init__(b'+', text)
[docs] class ResponseBad(CommandResponse): """``BAD`` response indicating the server encountered a protocol-related error in responding to the command. Args: tag: The tag bytestring to associate the response to a command. text: The response text. code: Optional response code. """ condition = b'BAD' def __init__(self, tag: MaybeBytes, text: MaybeBytes, code: ResponseCode | None = None) -> None: super().__init__(tag, text, code) @property def is_bad(self) -> bool: return True
[docs] class ResponseNo(CommandResponse): """``NO`` response indicating the server successfully parsed the command but failed to execute it successfully. Args: tag: The tag bytestring to associate the response to a command. text: The response text. code: Optional response code. """ condition = b'NO' def __init__(self, tag: MaybeBytes, text: MaybeBytes, code: ResponseCode | None = None) -> None: super().__init__(tag, text, code)
[docs] class ResponseOk(CommandResponse): """``OK`` response indicating the server successfully parsed and executed the command. Args: tag: The tag bytestring to associate the response to a command. text: The response text. code: Optional response code. """ condition = b'OK'
[docs] class ResponseBye(UntaggedResponse): """``BYE`` response indicating that the server will be closing the connection immediately after sending the response is sent. This may be sent in response to a command (e.g. ``LOGOUT``) or unsolicited. Args: text: The reason for disconnection. code: Optional response code. """ condition = b'BYE' @property def is_terminal(self) -> bool: """This response is always terminal.""" return True
[docs] class ResponsePreAuth(CommandResponse): """``PREAUTH`` response during server greeting to indicate the client is already logged in. Args: tag: The tag bytestring to associate the response to a command. text: The response text. code: Optional response code. """ condition = b'PREAUTH' def __init__(self, tag: MaybeBytes, text: MaybeBytes, code: ResponseCode | None = None) -> None: super().__init__(tag, text, code)