Source code for pysasl.hashing

"""Provides an abstraction and several implementations for the ability to hash
and verify secrets.


import os
import hashlib
import secrets
from abc import abstractmethod
from base64 import b64encode, b64decode
from typing import TypeVar, Any, Optional, Sequence, Dict
from typing_extensions import Literal, Protocol, Final, TypeAlias

__all__ = ['HashT', 'HashInterface', 'BuiltinHash', 'Cleartext']

_Pbkdf2Hashes: TypeAlias = Literal['sha1', 'sha256', 'sha512']

#: Type variable for a :class:`HashInterface`.
HashT = TypeVar('HashT', bound='HashInterface')

[docs]class HashInterface(Protocol): """Defines a basic interface for hash implementations. This is specifically designed to be compatible with :mod:`passlib` hashes. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def copy(self: HashT, **kwargs: Any) -> HashT: """Return a copy of the hash implementation. The *kwargs* may be used by some hashes to modify settings on the hash. Args: self: The hash object being copied. kwargs: Updated settings for the returned hash. """ ...
[docs] @abstractmethod def hash(self, secret: str) -> str: """Hash the *value* and return the digest. Args: secret: The string to hash. """ ...
[docs] @abstractmethod def verify(self, secret: str, hash: str) -> bool: """Check the *secret* against the given *hash*. Args: secret: The string to check. hash: The hashed digest string. """ ...
[docs]class BuiltinHash(HashInterface): """Implements :class:`HashInterface` using the :func:`hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac` function and random salt. The constructor arguments are the values used when encoding. When decoding, these values are read from the `digest format <>`_. Args: hash_name: The hash name. salt_len: The length of the random salt. rounds: The number of hash rounds. See Also: :class:`passlib.hash.pbkdf2_sha256` """ __slots__: Sequence[str] = ['hash_name', 'salt_len', 'rounds', '_pbkdf2_hash'] def __init__(self, *, hash_name: _Pbkdf2Hashes = 'sha256', salt_len: int = 16, rounds: int = 500000) -> None: super().__init__() self.hash_name: Final = hash_name self.salt_len: Final = salt_len self.rounds: Final = rounds self._pbkdf2_hash = self._to_pbkdf2_hash(hash_name) def _set_unless_none(self, kwargs: Dict[str, Any], key: str, val: Any) -> None: if val is not None: kwargs[key] = val @classmethod def _to_pbkdf2_hash(cls, hash_name: _Pbkdf2Hashes) -> str: if hash_name == 'sha1': return 'pbkdf2' else: return 'pbkdf2-' + hash_name @classmethod def _from_pbkdf2_hash(cls, pbkdf2_hash: str) -> str: if pbkdf2_hash == 'pbkdf2': return 'sha1' elif pbkdf2_hash.startswith('pbkdf2-'): _, hash_name = pbkdf2_hash.split('-', 1) return hash_name raise ValueError(f'Invalid hash name: {pbkdf2_hash}')
[docs] def copy(self, *, hash_name: Optional[str] = None, salt_len: Optional[int] = None, rounds: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> 'BuiltinHash': """Return a copy of the hash implementation, possibly with updated parameters. Args: hash_name: The updated hash name. salt_len: The updated length of the random salt. rounds: The updated number of hash rounds. kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are ignored. """ copy_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {'hash_name': self.hash_name, 'salt_len': self.salt_len, 'rounds': self.rounds} new_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {} self._set_unless_none(new_kwargs, 'hash_name', hash_name) self._set_unless_none(new_kwargs, 'salt_len', salt_len) self._set_unless_none(new_kwargs, 'rounds', rounds) if new_kwargs: copy_kwargs.update(new_kwargs) return BuiltinHash(**copy_kwargs) else: return self
@classmethod def _hash(cls, hash_name: str, rounds: int, secret: str, salt: bytes) \ -> bytes: value_b = secret.encode('utf-8') return hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac(hash_name, value_b, salt, rounds)
[docs] def hash(self, secret: str, salt: Optional[bytes] = None) -> str: """Hash the *secret* and return the digest. Args: secret: The string to hash. salt: A salt value to use instead of a random value. """ if salt is None: # pragma: no cover salt = os.urandom(self.salt_len) rounds = self.rounds digest = self._hash(self.hash_name, rounds, secret, salt) b64_salt = b64encode(salt).decode('ascii') b64_digest = b64encode(digest).decode('ascii') return f'${self._pbkdf2_hash}${rounds}${b64_salt}${b64_digest}'
[docs] def verify(self, secret: str, hash: str) -> bool: prefix, pbkdf2_hash, rounds_str, b64_salt, b64_digest = \ hash.split('$', 4) if prefix != '': raise ValueError('Invalid hash prefix') hash_name = self._from_pbkdf2_hash(pbkdf2_hash) rounds = int(rounds_str) salt = b64decode(b64_salt) digest = b64decode(b64_digest) secret_digest = self._hash(hash_name, rounds, secret, salt) return secrets.compare_digest(digest, secret_digest)
def __repr__(self) -> str: return 'BuiltinHash(hash_name=%r, salt_len=%r, rounds=%r)' % \ (self.hash_name, self.salt_len, self.rounds)
[docs]class Cleartext(HashInterface): """Implements :class:`HashInterface` with no hashing performed.""" __slots__: Sequence[str] = []
[docs] def copy(self, **kwargs: Any) -> 'Cleartext': return self
[docs] def hash(self, secret: str) -> str: return secret
[docs] def verify(self, secret: str, hash: str) -> bool: return secrets.compare_digest(secret, hash)
def __repr__(self) -> str: return 'Cleartext()'