Source code for pysasl.creds.external

from typing import Optional, Sequence, NoReturn
from typing_extensions import Final

from .server import ServerCredentials
from ..exception import AuthenticationError
from ..identity import Identity

__all__ = ['ExternalVerificationRequired', 'ExternalCredentials']

[docs]class ExternalVerificationRequired(AuthenticationError): """The credentials are structurally valid but require external verification. If *token* is ``None``, the credentials provided no additional information for verification. Otherwise, *token* should be verified and authorized for *identity*. Args: identity: The identity resolved from the credentials. token: A bearer token, if required for verification. """ __slots__: Sequence[str] = ['identity', 'token'] def __init__(self, identity: Optional[Identity], token: Optional[str] = None) -> None: super().__init__() self.identity: Final = identity self.token: Final = token
[docs]class ExternalCredentials(ServerCredentials): """Credentials that require external verification, rather than by a traditional hashing algorithm. Args: authzid: Authorization ID string. token: A bearer token, if required for verification. """ __slots__: Sequence[str] = ['_authzid', '_token'] def __init__(self, authzid: str, token: Optional[str] = None) -> None: super().__init__() self._authzid = authzid self._token = token @property def authcid(self) -> str: return '' @property def authzid(self) -> str: return self._authzid
[docs] def verify(self, identity: Optional[Identity]) -> NoReturn: """This method always throws :exc:`ExternalVerificationRequired`. For applications to support these types of credentials, they must catch this exception and use it to authenticate and authorize the request. Args: identity: The identity being authenticated. Raises: ExternalVerificationRequired: Always thrown. """ raise ExternalVerificationRequired(identity, self._token)
def __repr__(self) -> str: return f'ExternalCredentials({self.authzid}, ...)'