Source code for pymap.parsing.specials.fetchattr

from __future__ import annotations

import enum
import re
from import Iterable, Sequence
from dataclasses import dataclass
from functools import total_ordering, reduce
from typing import Final, Any

from . import AString
from .. import Params, Parseable
from ..exceptions import NotParseable
from ..primitives import Atom, List
from ...bytes import BytesFormat, MaybeBytes, Writeable

__all__ = ['FetchPartial', 'FetchRequirement', 'FetchAttribute', 'FetchValue']

[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class FetchPartial: """Used to indicate that only a substring of the desired fetch is being requested. Args: start: The first octet of the requested substring. length: The maximum length of the requested substring, or ``None``. """ start: int length: int | None = None
[docs] class FetchRequirement(enum.Flag): """Indicates the data required to fulfill a message fetch. Attributes: NONE: No data is required. METADATA: The IMAP metadata is required. HEADER: The message header is required. BODY: The parsed MIME message body is required. """ NONE = 0 METADATA = HEADER = BODY = CONTENT = HEADER | BODY
[docs] def has_all(self, expected: FetchRequirement) -> bool: """Returns true if all of the expected fetch requirements are met by this fetch requirement. Args: expected: The expected fetch requirements. """ return self & expected == expected
[docs] def has_none(self, expected: FetchRequirement) -> bool: """Returns true if none of the expected fetch requirements are met by this fetch requirement. Args: expected: The expected fetch requirements. """ return self & expected == FetchRequirement.NONE
[docs] @classmethod def get_all(cls) -> FetchRequirement: """Return all possible fetch requirements reduced into a single requirement. """ return cls.reduce(FetchRequirement)
[docs] @classmethod def reduce(cls, requirements: Iterable[FetchRequirement]) \ -> FetchRequirement: """Reduce a set of fetch requirements into a single requirement. Args: requirements: The set of fetch requirements. """ return reduce(lambda x, y: x | y, requirements, cls.NONE)
[docs] @total_ordering class FetchAttribute(Parseable[bytes]): """Represents an attribute that should be fetched for each message in the sequence set of a FETCH command on an IMAP stream. Args: attribute: The attribute name. section: The attribute section. partial: The attribute partial range. Attributes: section: The attribute section. partial: The attribute partial range. """
[docs] class Section: """Represents a fetch attribute section, which typically comes after the attribute name within square brackets, e.g. ``BODY[1.TEXT]``. Args: parts: The nested MIME part identifiers. specifier: The MIME part specifier. headers: The MIME part specifier headers. """ def __init__(self, parts: Sequence[int], specifier: bytes | None = None, headers: frozenset[bytes] | None = None) -> None: = parts self.specifier = specifier self.headers = frozenset(hdr.upper() for hdr in headers) \ if headers else None def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash((tuple(, self.specifier, self.headers))
_attrname_pattern = re.compile(br' *([^\s\[<()]+)') _section_start_pattern = re.compile(br' *\[ *') _section_end_pattern = re.compile(br' *\]') _partial_pattern = re.compile(br'< *(\d+) *\. *(\d+) *>') _sec_part_pattern = re.compile(br'([1-9]\d* *(?:\. *[1-9]\d*)*) *(\.)? *') def __init__(self, attribute: bytes, section: FetchAttribute.Section | None = None, partial: FetchPartial | None = None) -> None: super().__init__() self.attribute = attribute.upper() self.section = section self.partial = partial self._raw: bytes | None = None self._for_response: FetchAttribute | None = None @property def value(self) -> bytes: """The attribute name.""" return self.attribute @property def for_response(self) -> FetchAttribute: if self._for_response is None: if self.partial is None or self.partial.length is None: self._for_response = self else: new_partial = FetchPartial(self.partial.start, None) self._for_response = FetchAttribute( self.value, self.section, new_partial) return self._for_response @property def set_seen(self) -> bool: if self.value == b'BODY' and self.section: return True elif self.value == b'BINARY': return True elif self.value in (b'RFC822', b'RFC822.TEXT'): return True return False @property def requirement(self) -> FetchRequirement: """Indicates the data required to fulfill this fetch attribute.""" attr_name = self.attribute if attr_name in (b'UID', b'FLAGS', b'INTERNALDATE'): return FetchRequirement.METADATA elif attr_name in (b'ENVELOPE', b'RFC822.HEADER'): return FetchRequirement.HEADER elif attr_name == b'BODY' and self.section is not None: return self._get_body_requirement(self.section) return FetchRequirement.CONTENT @classmethod def _get_body_requirement(cls, section: FetchAttribute.Section) \ -> FetchRequirement: if not and section.specifier in ( b'HEADER', b'HEADER.FIELDS', b'HEADER.FIELDS.NOT'): return FetchRequirement.HEADER else: return FetchRequirement.CONTENT @property def raw(self) -> bytes: if self._raw is not None: return self._raw if self.value == b'BODY.PEEK': parts = [b'BODY'] else: parts = [self.value] if self.section and not self.value.startswith(b'RFC822'): parts.append(b'[') if part_raw = BytesFormat(b'.').join( [b'%i' % num for num in]) parts.append(part_raw) if self.section.specifier: parts.append(b'.') if self.section.specifier: parts.append(self.section.specifier) if self.section.headers: headers = self.section.headers parts.append(b' ') parts.append(bytes(List(headers, sort=True))) parts.append(b']') if self.partial: start, length = (self.partial.start, self.partial.length) if length is None: parts.append(b'<%i>' % start) else: parts.append(b'<%i.%i>' % (start, length)) self._raw = raw = b''.join(parts) return raw def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash((self.value, self.section, self.partial)) def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: if isinstance(other, FetchAttribute): return hash(self) == hash(other) return super().__eq__(other) def __ne__(self, other: Any) -> bool: if isinstance(other, FetchAttribute): return hash(self) != hash(other) return super().__ne__(other) def __lt__(self, other: Any) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, FetchAttribute): return NotImplemented return bytes(self.for_response) < bytes(self.for_response) @classmethod def _parse_section(cls, buf: memoryview, params: Params) \ -> tuple[Section, memoryview]: match = cls._sec_part_pattern.match(buf) if match: section_parts = [int(num) for num in'.')] buf = buf[match.end(0):] else: section_parts = [] try: atom, after = Atom.parse(buf, params) except NotParseable: return cls.Section(section_parts), buf specifier = atom.value.upper() if section_parts and specifier == b'MIME': return cls.Section(section_parts, specifier), after elif specifier in (b'HEADER', b'TEXT'): return cls.Section(section_parts, specifier), after elif specifier in (b'HEADER.FIELDS', b'HEADER.FIELDS.NOT'): params = params.copy(expected=[AString]) header_list_p, buf = List.parse(after, params) header_list = frozenset([bytes(hdr) for hdr in header_list_p.value]) if not header_list: raise NotParseable(after) return cls.Section(section_parts, specifier, header_list), buf raise NotParseable(buf)
[docs] @classmethod def parse(cls, buf: memoryview, params: Params) \ -> tuple[FetchAttribute, memoryview]: match = cls._attrname_pattern.match(buf) if not match: raise NotParseable(buf) attr = after = buf[match.end(0):] if attr in (b'ENVELOPE', b'FLAGS', b'INTERNALDATE', b'UID', b'RFC822.SIZE', b'BODYSTRUCTURE', b'EMAILID', b'THREADID'): return cls(attr), after elif attr == b'RFC822': section = cls.Section([]) return cls(attr, section), after elif attr == b'RFC822.HEADER': section = cls.Section([], b'HEADER') return cls(attr, section), after elif attr == b'RFC822.TEXT': section = cls.Section([], b'TEXT') return cls(attr, section), after elif attr not in (b'BODY', b'BODY.PEEK', b'BINARY', b'BINARY.PEEK', b'BINARY.SIZE'): raise NotParseable(buf) buf = after match = cls._section_start_pattern.match(buf) if not match: if attr == b'BODY': return cls(attr), buf else: raise NotParseable(buf) buf = buf[match.end(0):] section, buf_s = cls._parse_section(buf, params) if section.specifier and attr.startswith(b'BINARY'): raise NotParseable(buf) match = cls._section_end_pattern.match(buf_s) if not match: raise NotParseable(buf_s) buf = buf_s[match.end(0):] match = cls._partial_pattern.match(buf) if match: if attr == b'BINARY.SIZE': raise NotParseable(buf) start, length = int(, int( if start < 0 or length <= 0: raise NotParseable(buf) partial = FetchPartial(start, length) return cls(attr, section, partial), buf[match.end(0):] return cls(attr, section), buf
def __bytes__(self) -> bytes: return self.raw
[docs] class FetchValue(Writeable): """A value fetched from a message for a single fetch attribute. Args: attribute: The fetch attribute. """ __slots__ = ['attribute'] def __init__(self, attribute: FetchAttribute) -> None: super().__init__() self.attribute: Final = attribute @classmethod def of(cls, attribute: FetchAttribute, value: MaybeBytes) \ -> FetchValue: return _StaticFetchValue(attribute, value)
class _StaticFetchValue(FetchValue): __slots__ = ['_value'] def __init__(self, attribute: FetchAttribute, value: MaybeBytes) -> None: super().__init__(attribute) self._value: Final = value def __bytes__(self) -> bytes: attr = self.attribute.for_response return BytesFormat(b'%b %b') % (attr, self._value)