Source code for pymap.config

from __future__ import annotations

import os
import socket
import ssl
from abc import abstractmethod, ABCMeta
from argparse import Namespace
from import Iterable, Iterator, Mapping, Sequence
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from ssl import SSLContext
from typing import Any, Final, TypeVar

from proxyprotocol import ProxyProtocol
from proxyprotocol.version import ProxyProtocolVersion
from pysasl import SASLAuth
from pysasl.creds.server import ServerCredentials
from pysasl.hashing import BuiltinHash, HashInterface
from pysasl.prep import saslprep, Preparation

from .concurrent import Subsystem
from .context import subsystem
from .parsing import Params
from .parsing.commands import Commands

    from passlib.context import CryptContext
except ImportError as _exc:  # pragma: no cover
    _passlib_import_exc: ImportError | None = _exc
    _passlib_import_exc = None

__all__ = ['ConfigT', 'ConfigT_contra', 'BackendCapability', 'IMAPConfig']

#: Type variable with an upper bound of :class:`IMAPConfig`.
ConfigT = TypeVar('ConfigT', bound='IMAPConfig')

#: Contravariant type variable with an upper bound of :class:`IMAPConfig`.
ConfigT_contra = TypeVar('ConfigT_contra', bound='IMAPConfig',

[docs] class BackendCapability(Iterable[bytes]): """Declares the IMAP capabilities that the backend supports. Args: idle: The ``IDLE`` extension is supported. object_id: The ``OBJECTID`` extension is supported. multi_append: The ``MULTIAPPEND`` extension is supported. custom: Optional list of custom capability strings to declare. """ __slots__ = ['_capability'] def __init__(self, *, idle: bool, object_id: bool, multi_append: bool, custom: Sequence[bytes] | None = None) -> None: super().__init__() capability: dict[bytes, bool] = {} if idle: capability[b'IDLE'] = True if object_id: capability[b'OBJECTID'] = True if multi_append: capability[b'MULTIAPPEND'] = True if custom is not None: for cap in custom: capability[cap] = True self._capability: Final = tuple(capability.keys()) def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[bytes]: return iter(self._capability) def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: if isinstance(other, BackendCapability): return self._capability == other._capability if isinstance(other, tuple): return self._capability == other if isinstance(other, list): return list(self._capability) == other return super().__eq__(other) def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(self._capability) def __repr__(self) -> str: return repr([cap.decode('ascii') for cap in self._capability])
[docs] class IMAPConfig(metaclass=ABCMeta): """Configurable settings that control how the IMAP server operates and what extensions it supports. Args: args: The command-line arguments. host: The IMAP server host. port: The IMAP server port or service name. debug: If true, prints all socket activity to stdout. subsystem: The concurrency subsystem in use by the backend. ssl_context: SSL context that will be used for opportunistic TLS. Alternatively, you can pass extra arguments ``cert_file`` and ``key_file`` and an SSL context will be created. tls_enabled: True if opportunistic TLS should be supported. admin_key: The private admin key for unrestricted access by token. hash_context: The hash to use for passwords. cpu_subsystem: The subsystem to use for CPU-heavy operations, defaulting to a small thread pool. preauth_credentials: If given, clients will pre-authenticate on connection using these credentials. invalid_user_sleep: Seconds to delay before failing authentication for an unrecognized user. proxy_protocol: The PROXY protocol implementation to use. reject_dnsbl: Reject connections with a non-empty DNSBL result. max_append_len: The maximum allowed length of the message body to an ``APPEND`` command. bad_command_limit: The number of consecutive commands received from the client with parsing errors before the client is disconnected. disable_idle: Disable the ``IDLE`` capability. extra: Additional keywords used for special circumstances. Attributes: args: The command-line arguments. """ def __init__(self, args: Namespace, *, host: str | None, port: str | int, debug: bool = False, subsystem: Subsystem | None = None, ssl_context: SSLContext | None = None, tls_enabled: bool = True, secure_auth: bool = True, preauth_credentials: ServerCredentials | None = None, invalid_user_sleep: float = 0.3, proxy_protocol: ProxyProtocol | None = None, reject_dnsbl: bool = True, admin_key: bytes | None = None, hash_context: HashInterface | None = None, cpu_subsystem: Subsystem | None = None, max_append_len: int | None = 1000000000, bad_command_limit: int | None = 5, disable_search_keys: Iterable[bytes] | None = None, disable_idle: bool = False, **extra: Any) -> None: super().__init__() self.args = args self.debug: Final = debug Final = host self.port: Final = port self.subsystem: Final = subsystem or Subsystem.for_asyncio() self.bad_command_limit: Final = bad_command_limit self.disable_search_keys: Final = disable_search_keys or [] self.admin_key: Final = admin_key self.hash_context: Final = hash_context or \ self._get_hash_context(args.passlib_cfg) self.cpu_subsystem: Final = cpu_subsystem or \ self._get_cpu_subsystem() self.invalid_user_sleep: Final = invalid_user_sleep self.reject_dnsbl: Final = reject_dnsbl self._ssl_context = ssl_context or self._load_certs(extra) self._tls_enabled = tls_enabled self._preauth_credentials = preauth_credentials self._proxy_protocol = proxy_protocol or \ ProxyProtocolVersion.get(args.proxy_protocol) self._max_append_len = max_append_len
[docs] @classmethod def parse_args(cls, args: Namespace) -> Mapping[str, Any]: """Given command-line arguments, return a dictionary of keywords that should be passed in to the :class:`IMAPConfig` (or sub-class) constructor. Sub-classes should override this method as needed. Args: args: The arguments parsed from the command-line. """ return {}
[docs] @classmethod def from_args(cls: type[ConfigT], args: Namespace, **overrides: Any) -> ConfigT: """Build and return a new :class:`IMAPConfig` using command-line arguments. Args: args: The arguments parsed from the command-line. overrides: Override keyword arguments to the config constructor. """ parsed_args = cls.parse_args(args) return cls(args,, port=args.port, debug=args.debug, cert_file=args.cert, key_file=args.key, tls_enabled=args.tls, **parsed_args, **overrides)
[docs] def apply_context(self) -> None: """Apply the configured settings to any :mod:`~pymap.context` variables. """ if self.subsystem is not None: subsystem.set(self.subsystem)
@property @abstractmethod def backend_capability(self) -> BackendCapability: """Allows backends to declare support for IMAP extensions and other capabilities. """ ... @classmethod def _get_hash_context(cls, passlib_cfg: str | None) -> HashInterface: if passlib_cfg is not None: if _passlib_import_exc is not None: raise _passlib_import_exc return CryptContext.from_path(passlib_cfg) elif _passlib_import_exc is None: return CryptContext( schemes=['argon2', 'bcrypt_sha256', 'phpass', 'pbkdf2_sha1', 'pbkdf2_sha256', 'pbkdf2_sha512', 'scram', 'scrypt'], default='pbkdf2_sha256') else: return BuiltinHash() @classmethod def _get_cpu_subsystem(cls) -> Subsystem: cpu_count = os.cpu_count() or 1 cpus_minus_one = max(1, cpu_count - 1) executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=cpus_minus_one) return Subsystem.for_threading(executor) @classmethod def _load_certs(cls, extra: Mapping[str, Any]) -> SSLContext: try: cert_file: str | None = os.environ['CERT_FILE'] except KeyError: cert_file = extra.get('cert_file') try: key_file: str | None = os.environ['KEY_FILE'] except KeyError: key_file = extra.get('key_file') ssl_context = ssl.create_default_context(ssl.Purpose.CLIENT_AUTH) if cert_file is not None: ssl_context.load_cert_chain(cert_file, key_file) return ssl_context @property def ssl_context(self) -> SSLContext: return self._ssl_context @property def commands(self) -> Commands: return Commands() @property def initial_auth(self) -> SASLAuth: if self._tls_enabled: return SASLAuth([]) else: return self.tls_auth @property def password_prep(self) -> Preparation: return saslprep @property def tls_auth(self) -> SASLAuth: return SASLAuth.defaults() @property def preauth_credentials(self) -> ServerCredentials | None: return self._preauth_credentials @property def proxy_protocol(self) -> ProxyProtocol: return self._proxy_protocol @property def parsing_params(self) -> Params: return Params(max_append_len=self._max_append_len) @property def greeting(self) -> bytes: try: fqdn = os.environ['FQDN'] except KeyError: fqdn = socket.getfqdn() return b'Server ready ' + fqdn.encode('ascii') @property def login_capability(self) -> Sequence[bytes]: ret = [b'BINARY', b'UIDPLUS', b'MOVE', b'CHILDREN'] if self._max_append_len is not None: ret.append(b'APPENDLIMIT=%i' % self._max_append_len) ret.extend(self.backend_capability) return ret @property def initial_capability(self) -> Sequence[bytes]: ret = [b'LITERAL+', b'ID'] if self._tls_enabled: ret.append(b'STARTTLS') return ret @property def max_filter_len(self) -> int | None: return self._max_append_len @property def id_response(self) -> Mapping[bytes, bytes] | None: return None