Source code for pymapadmin.operation

from __future__ import annotations

import os
from abc import abstractmethod, ABCMeta
from import Mapping
from typing import Generic, TypeVar

from .__about__ import __version__ as client_version
from .local import token_file
from .typing import MethodProtocol, RequestT, ResponseT

__all__ = ['CompoundRequestT', 'FirstResponseT', 'SecondRequestT',
           'Operation', 'SingleOperation', 'CompoundOperation']

#: Type variable for the compound request in :class:`CompoundOperation`.
CompoundRequestT = TypeVar('CompoundRequestT')

#: Type variable for the first response in :class:`CompoundOperation`.
FirstResponseT = TypeVar('FirstResponseT')

#: Type variable for the second request in :class:`CompoundOperation`.
SecondRequestT = TypeVar('SecondRequestT')

[docs] class Operation(Generic[RequestT, ResponseT], metaclass=ABCMeta): """Base class for a GRPC operation."""
[docs] def get_metadata(self) -> Mapping[str, str]: """Get the GRPC metadata to use for the operation.""" metadata = {'client-version': client_version} token: str | None = None if 'PYMAP_ADMIN_TOKEN' in os.environ: token = os.environ['PYMAP_ADMIN_TOKEN'] else: path = token_file.find() if path is not None: token = path.read_text().strip() if token: metadata['auth-token'] = token return metadata
[docs] @abstractmethod async def execute(self, /, request: RequestT) -> ResponseT: """Execute the operation and return the response. Args: request: The operation request. """ ...
[docs] class SingleOperation(Operation[RequestT, ResponseT], metaclass=ABCMeta): """Implements :class:`Operation` using a single GRPC call.""" @property @abstractmethod def method(self) -> MethodProtocol[RequestT, ResponseT]: """The GRPC client method.""" ...
[docs] async def execute(self, request: RequestT) -> ResponseT: metadata = self.get_metadata() async with as stream: await stream.send_message(request, end=True) async for response in stream: return response else: raise RuntimeError('No response received.')
[docs] class CompoundOperation(Operation[CompoundRequestT, ResponseT], Generic[CompoundRequestT, RequestT, FirstResponseT, SecondRequestT, ResponseT], metaclass=ABCMeta): """Implements :class:`Operation` using two steps. The second step may rely on the response of the first step. """ @property @abstractmethod def first(self) -> Operation[RequestT, FirstResponseT]: """The first step in the compound operation.""" ... @property @abstractmethod def second(self) -> Operation[SecondRequestT, ResponseT]: """The second step in the compound operation.""" ...
[docs] @abstractmethod def build_first(self, /, request: CompoundRequestT) -> RequestT: """Build the request object for the first step. Args: request: The compound operation request. """ ...
[docs] @abstractmethod def build_second(self, /, request: CompoundRequestT, first_response: FirstResponseT) \ -> tuple[SecondRequestT | None, ResponseT | None]: """Build the request object for the second step. Args: request: The compound operation request. first_response: The response received by the first step. Returns: If the second step should proceed, returns a two-tuple where the first item is the request object for the second step and the second item is ignored. If the compound request should be aborted, returns a two-tuple where the first item is ``None`` and the second item can be a response to use instead of executing the second step. If both items in the tuple are ``None``, the compound operation raises a :exc:`RuntimeError` displaying the response to the first step. """ ...
[docs] async def execute(self, request: CompoundRequestT) -> ResponseT: first_request = self.build_first(request) first_response = await self.first.execute(first_request) second_request, response = self.build_second(request, first_response) if second_request is not None: response = await self.second.execute(second_request) elif response is None: raise RuntimeError('Compound request aborted after first response', first_response) return response