Source code for

from __future__ import annotations

from argparse import ArgumentParser
from typing import Any, TextIO

from .base import ClientCommand
from ..grpc.health_grpc import HealthStub
from ..grpc.health_pb2 import HealthCheckRequest, HealthCheckResponse
from ..operation import SingleOperation
from ..typing import RequestT, ResponseT, MethodProtocol

__all__ = ['CheckCommand']

class HealthCommand(ClientCommand[HealthStub, RequestT, ResponseT]):

    def client(self) -> HealthStub:
        return HealthStub(

[docs] class CheckCommand(HealthCommand[HealthCheckRequest, HealthCheckResponse], SingleOperation[HealthCheckRequest, HealthCheckResponse]): """Check the health of the server."""
[docs] @classmethod def add_subparser(cls, name: str, subparsers: Any) \ -> ArgumentParser: # pragma: no cover argparser: ArgumentParser = subparsers.add_parser( name, description=cls.__doc__, help='check the server health') argparser.add_argument('service', default='', nargs='?', help='The service name, if any.') return argparser
@property def method(self) -> MethodProtocol[HealthCheckRequest, HealthCheckResponse]: return self.client.Check
[docs] def build_request(self) -> HealthCheckRequest: return HealthCheckRequest(service=self.args.service)
def _is_serving(self, response: HealthCheckResponse) -> bool: return response.status == HealthCheckResponse.ServingStatus.SERVING
[docs] def handle_response(self, response: HealthCheckResponse, outfile: TextIO, errfile: TextIO) -> int: success = self._is_serving(response) if success: print(response, file=outfile) return 0 else: print(response, file=errfile) return 1