Source code for pymap.token

from __future__ import annotations

from import Sequence, Set
from datetime import datetime
from functools import cached_property
from typing import Final

from ..config import IMAPConfig
from ..interfaces.token import TokenCredentials, TokensInterface
from ..plugin import Plugin

__all__ = ['tokens', 'TokensBase', 'AllTokens']

#: Registers token plugins.
tokens: Plugin[TokensBase] = Plugin('pymap.token', default='macaroon')

[docs] class TokensBase(TokensInterface): """Base class for token types registered by :data:`tokens`. Args: config: The IMAP configuration object. """ def __init__(self, config: IMAPConfig) -> None: super().__init__() self.config: Final = config
[docs] class AllTokens(TokensBase): """Uses :data:`tokens` to support all registered token types. For token creation, the :attr:`~pymap.plugin.Plugin.default` token plugin is used. For token parsing, each token plugin is tried until one succeeds. """ @cached_property def _default_tokens(self) -> TokensInterface | None: try: token_type = tokens.default except KeyError: return None else: return token_type(self.config) @cached_property def _tokens(self) -> Sequence[TokensInterface]: all_tokens = [] config = self.config for token_type in tokens.registered.values(): if token_type == tokens.default: assert self._default_tokens is not None all_tokens.append(self._default_tokens) else: all_tokens.append(token_type(config)) return all_tokens
[docs] def get_login_token(self, identifier: str, authcid: str, key: bytes, *, authzid: str | None = None, location: str | None = None, expiration: datetime | None = None) \ -> str | None: tokens = self._default_tokens if tokens is None: return None return tokens.get_login_token( identifier, authcid, key, authzid=authzid, location=location, expiration=expiration)
[docs] def get_admin_token(self, admin_key: bytes | None, *, authzid: str | None = None, location: str | None = None, expiration: datetime | None = None) \ -> str | None: tokens = self._default_tokens if tokens is None: return None return tokens.get_admin_token( admin_key, authzid=authzid, location=location, expiration=expiration)
[docs] def parse(self, authzid: str, token: str, *, admin_keys: Set[bytes] = frozenset()) \ -> TokenCredentials: for tokens in self._tokens: try: return tokens.parse(authzid, token, admin_keys=admin_keys) except ValueError: pass raise ValueError('invalid token')