Source code for pymap.mime.cte

from __future__ import annotations

import base64
import quopri
from abc import abstractmethod, ABCMeta
from email.headerregistry import ContentTransferEncodingHeader

from . import MessageHeader, MessageBody
from ..bytes import Writeable

__all__ = ['MessageDecoder']

[docs] class MessageDecoder(metaclass=ABCMeta): """Decodes a :class:`~pymap.mime.MessageBody` as decided by its ``Content-Transfer-Encoding`` header. Attributes: registry (Dict[str, :class:`MessageDecoder`]): Registry of custom decoders. Keys should be lower-case. """ registry: dict[str, MessageDecoder] = {}
[docs] @classmethod def of(cls, msg_header: MessageHeader) -> MessageDecoder: """Return a decoder from the message header object. See Also: :meth:`.of_cte` Args: msg_header: The message header object. """ cte_hdr = msg_header.parsed.content_transfer_encoding return cls.of_cte(cte_hdr)
[docs] @classmethod def of_cte(cls, header: ContentTransferEncodingHeader | None) \ -> MessageDecoder: """Return a decoder from the CTE header value. There is built-in support for ``7bit``, ``8bit``, ``quoted-printable``, and ``base64`` CTE header values. Decoders can be added or overridden with the :attr:`.registry` dictionary. Args: header: The CTE header value. """ if header is None: return _NoopDecoder() hdr_str = str(header).lower() custom = cls.registry.get(hdr_str) if custom is not None: return custom elif hdr_str in ('7bit', '8bit'): return _NoopDecoder() elif hdr_str == 'quoted-printable': return _QuotedPrintableDecoder() elif hdr_str == 'base64': return _Base64Decoder() else: raise NotImplementedError(hdr_str)
[docs] @abstractmethod def decode(self, body: MessageBody) -> Writeable: """Decode and return the decoded body of the message. Args: body: The message body. """ ...
class _NoopDecoder(MessageDecoder): def decode(self, body: MessageBody) -> Writeable: return body class _QuotedPrintableDecoder(MessageDecoder): def decode(self, body: MessageBody) -> Writeable: raw = bytes(body) ret = quopri.decodestring(raw) return Writeable.wrap(ret) class _Base64Decoder(MessageDecoder): def decode(self, body: MessageBody) -> Writeable: raw = bytes(body) ret = base64.b64decode(raw) return Writeable.wrap(ret)