Source code for pymap.interfaces.session

from __future__ import annotations

from abc import abstractmethod
from import Iterable, Sequence
from typing import Any, Protocol

from .filter import FilterSetInterface
from .message import MessageInterface
from .mailbox import MailboxInterface
from ..concurrent import Event
from ..flags import FlagOp
from ..parsing.message import AppendMessage
from ..parsing.specials import SequenceSet, Flag, SearchKey, ObjectId
from ..parsing.response.code import AppendUid, CopyUid
from ..selected import SelectedMailbox

__all__ = ['SessionInterface']

[docs] class SessionInterface(Protocol): """Corresponds to a single, authenticated IMAP session.""" __slots__: Sequence[str] = [] @property @abstractmethod def owner(self) -> str: """The SASL authorization identity of the logged-in user.""" ... @property @abstractmethod def filter_set(self) -> FilterSetInterface[Any] | None: """Manages the active and inactive filters for the login user.""" ...
[docs] @abstractmethod def close(self) -> None: """Called at the end of a session, to clean up any resources.""" ...
[docs] @abstractmethod async def cleanup(self) -> None: """Called after every operation, success or failure, to allow the backend to clean up resources. Note: Any exception raised by this method will be silently ignored. """ ...
[docs] @abstractmethod async def list_mailboxes(self, ref_name: str, filter_: str, subscribed: bool = False, selected: SelectedMailbox | None = None) \ -> tuple[Iterable[tuple[str, str | None, Sequence[bytes]]], SelectedMailbox | None]: """List the mailboxes owned by the user. See Also: `RFC 3501 6.3.8. <>`_, `RFC 3501 6.3.9. <>`_ Args: ref_name: Mailbox reference name. filter_: Mailbox name with possible wildcards. subscribed: If True, only list the subscribed mailboxes. selected: If applicable, the currently selected mailbox name. """ ...
[docs] @abstractmethod async def get_mailbox(self, name: str, selected: SelectedMailbox | None = None) \ -> tuple[MailboxInterface, SelectedMailbox | None]: """Retrieves a :class:`~pymap.interfaces.mailbox.MailboxInterface` object corresponding to an existing mailbox owned by the user. Raises an exception if the mailbox does not yet exist. Args: name: The name of the mailbox. selected: If applicable, the currently selected mailbox name. Raises: :class:`~pymap.exceptions.MailboxNotFound` """ ...
[docs] @abstractmethod async def create_mailbox(self, name: str, selected: SelectedMailbox | None = None) \ -> tuple[ObjectId, SelectedMailbox | None]: """Creates a new mailbox owned by the user. See Also: `RFC 3501 6.3.3. <>`_ Args: name: The name of the mailbox. selected: If applicable, the currently selected mailbox name. Raises: :class:`~pymap.exceptions.MailboxConflict` """ ...
[docs] @abstractmethod async def delete_mailbox(self, name: str, selected: SelectedMailbox | None = None) \ -> SelectedMailbox | None: """Deletes the mailbox owned by the user. See Also: `RFC 3501 6.3.4. <>`_ Args: name: The name of the mailbox. selected: If applicable, the currently selected mailbox name. Raises: :class:`~pymap.exceptions.MailboxNotFound` :class:`~pymap.exceptions.MailboxHasChildren` """ ...
[docs] @abstractmethod async def rename_mailbox(self, before_name: str, after_name: str, selected: SelectedMailbox | None = None) \ -> SelectedMailbox | None: """Renames the mailbox owned by the user. See Also: `RFC 3501 6.3.5. <>`_ Args: before_name: The name of the mailbox before the rename. after_name: The name of the mailbox after the rename. selected: If applicable, the currently selected mailbox name. Raises: :class:`~pymap.exceptions.MailboxNotFound` :class:`~pymap.exceptions.MailboxConflict` """ ...
[docs] @abstractmethod async def subscribe(self, name: str, selected: SelectedMailbox | None = None) \ -> SelectedMailbox | None: """Mark the given folder name as subscribed, whether or not the given folder name currently exists. See Also: `RFC 3501 6.3.6. <>`_ Args: name: The name of the mailbox. selected: If applicable, the currently selected mailbox name. Raises: :class:`~pymap.exceptions.MailboxNotFound` """ ...
[docs] @abstractmethod async def unsubscribe(self, name: str, selected: SelectedMailbox | None = None) \ -> SelectedMailbox | None: """Remove the given folder name from the subscription list, whether or not the given folder name currently exists. See Also: `RFC 3501 6.3.6. <>`_ Args: name: The name of the mailbox. selected: If applicable, the currently selected mailbox name. Raises: :class:`~pymap.exceptions.MailboxNotFound` """ ...
[docs] @abstractmethod async def append_messages(self, name: str, messages: Sequence[AppendMessage], selected: SelectedMailbox | None = None) \ -> tuple[AppendUid, SelectedMailbox | None]: """Appends a message to the end of the mailbox. See Also: `RFC 3502 6.3.11. <>`_ Args: name: The name of the mailbox. messages: The messages to append. selected: If applicable, the currently selected mailbox name. Raises: :class:`~pymap.exceptions.MailboxNotFound` :class:`~pymap.exceptions.AppendFailure` """ ...
[docs] @abstractmethod async def select_mailbox(self, name: str, readonly: bool = False) \ -> tuple[MailboxInterface, SelectedMailbox]: """Selects an existing mailbox owned by the user. The returned session is then used as the ``selected`` argument to other methods to fetch mailbox updates. See Also: `RFC 3501 6.3.1. <>`_, `RFC 3501 6.3.2. <>`_ Args: name: The name of the mailbox. readonly: True if the mailbox is read-only. Raises: :class:`~pymap.exceptions.MailboxNotFound` """ ...
[docs] @abstractmethod async def check_mailbox(self, selected: SelectedMailbox, *, wait_on: Event | None = None, housekeeping: bool = False) -> SelectedMailbox: """Checks for any updates in the mailbox. If ``wait_on`` is given, this method should block until either this event is signalled or the mailbox has detected updates. This method may be called continuously as long as ``wait_on`` is not signalled. If ``housekeeping`` is True, perform any house-keeping necessary by the mailbox backend, which may be a slower operation. See Also: `RFC 3501 6.1.2. <>`_, `RFC 3501 6.4.1. <>`_ `RFC 2177 <>`_ Args: selected: The selected mailbox session. wait_on: If given, block until this event signals. housekeeping: If True, the backend may perform additional housekeeping operations if necessary. Raises: :class:`~pymap.exceptions.MailboxNotFound` """ ...
[docs] @abstractmethod async def fetch_messages(self, selected: SelectedMailbox, sequence_set: SequenceSet, set_seen: bool) \ -> tuple[Iterable[tuple[int, MessageInterface]], SelectedMailbox]: """Get a list of loaded message objects corresponding to given sequence set. Args: selected: The selected mailbox session. sequence_set: Sequence set of message sequences or UIDs. set_seen: True if the messages should get the ``\\Seen`` flag. Raises: :class:`~pymap.exceptions.MailboxNotFound` """ ...
[docs] @abstractmethod async def search_mailbox(self, selected: SelectedMailbox, keys: frozenset[SearchKey]) \ -> tuple[Iterable[tuple[int, MessageInterface]], SelectedMailbox]: """Get the messages in the current mailbox that meet all of the given search criteria. See Also: `RFC 3501 7.2.5. <>`_ Args: selected: The selected mailbox session. keys: Search keys specifying the message criteria. Raises: :class:`~pymap.exceptions.MailboxNotFound` """ ...
[docs] @abstractmethod async def expunge_mailbox(self, selected: SelectedMailbox, uid_set: SequenceSet | None = None) \ -> SelectedMailbox: """All messages that are marked as deleted are immediately expunged from the mailbox. See Also: `RFC 3501 6.4.3. <>`_ `RFC 4315 2.1 <>`_ Args: selected: The selected mailbox session. uid_set: Only the messages in the given UID set should be expunged. Raises: :class:`~pymap.exceptions.MailboxNotFound` :class:`~pymap.exceptions.MailboxReadOnly` """ ...
[docs] @abstractmethod async def copy_messages(self, selected: SelectedMailbox, sequence_set: SequenceSet, mailbox: str) \ -> tuple[CopyUid | None, SelectedMailbox]: """Copy a set of messages into the given mailbox. See Also: `RFC 3501 6.4.7. <>`_ Args: selected: The selected mailbox session. sequence_set: Sequence set of message sequences or UIDs. mailbox: Name of the mailbox to copy messages into. Raises: :class:`~pymap.exceptions.MailboxNotFound` :class:`~pymap.exceptions.MailboxReadOnly` """ ...
[docs] @abstractmethod async def move_messages(self, selected: SelectedMailbox, sequence_set: SequenceSet, mailbox: str) \ -> tuple[CopyUid | None, SelectedMailbox]: """Move a set of messages into the given mailbox, removing them from the selected mailbox. See Also: `RFC 6851 <>`_ Args: selected: The selected mailbox session. sequence_set: Sequence set of message sequences or UIDs. mailbox: Name of the mailbox to copy messages into. Raises: :class:`~pymap.exceptions.MailboxNotFound` :class:`~pymap.exceptions.MailboxReadOnly` """ ...
[docs] @abstractmethod async def update_flags(self, selected: SelectedMailbox, sequence_set: SequenceSet, flag_set: frozenset[Flag], mode: FlagOp = FlagOp.REPLACE) \ -> tuple[Iterable[tuple[int, MessageInterface]], SelectedMailbox]: """Update the flags for the given set of messages. See Also: `RFC 3501 6.4.6. <>`_ Args: selected: The selected mailbox session. sequence_set: Sequence set of message sequences or UIDs. flag_set: Set of flags to update. mode: Update mode for the flag set. Raises: :class:`~pymap.exceptions.MailboxNotFound` :class:`~pymap.exceptions.MailboxReadOnly` """ ...