Source code for pymap.imap

from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
import binascii
import logging
import re
import sys
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from asyncio import shield, StreamReader, StreamWriter, AbstractServer, \
    CancelledError, TimeoutError
from base64 import b64encode, b64decode
from import Awaitable, Iterable
from contextlib import closing, AsyncExitStack
from ssl import SSLError
from typing import TypeVar

from proxyprotocol.reader import ProxyProtocolReader
from proxyprotocol.sock import SocketInfo
from proxyprotocol.version import ProxyProtocolVersion
from pymap.concurrent import Event
from pymap.config import IMAPConfig
from pymap.context import subsystem, current_command, socket_info, \
from pymap.exceptions import ResponseError
from pymap.interfaces.backend import ServiceInterface
from pymap.interfaces.login import LoginInterface
from pymap.parsing.command import Command
from pymap.parsing.commands import Commands
from pymap.parsing.command.nonauth import AuthenticateCommand, StartTLSCommand
from import IdleCommand
from pymap.parsing.response import ResponseContinuation, Response, \
    ResponseCode, ResponseBad, ResponseNo, ResponseBye, ResponseOk, \
from pymap.parsing.state import ParsingState, ParsingInterrupt, \
from pymap.sockets import InheritedSockets
from pysasl.creds.server import ServerCredentials
from pysasl.exception import AuthenticationError
from pysasl.mechanism import ServerChallenge, ChallengeResponse

from .state import ConnectionState

__all__ = ['IMAPService', 'IMAPServer', 'IMAPConnection']

_Ret = TypeVar('_Ret')
_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class IMAPService(ServiceInterface): # pragma: no cover """A pymap service implementing an IMAP server."""
[docs] @classmethod def add_arguments(cls, parser: ArgumentParser) -> None: group = parser.add_argument_group('imap service') group.add_argument('--host', metavar='IFACE', action='append', help='the network interface to listen on') group.add_argument('--port', metavar='NUM', default='143', help='the port or service name to listen on') group.add_argument('--cert', metavar='FILE', help='cert file for TLS') group.add_argument('--key', metavar='FILE', help='key file for TLS') if InheritedSockets.supports('systemd'): group.add_argument('--systemd-sockets', action='store_const', dest='inherited_sockets', const='systemd', help='use systemd inherited sockets') else: parser.set_defaults(inherited_sockets=None) group.add_argument('--no-tls', dest='tls', action='store_false', help='disable TLS') pp_choices = [ for v in ProxyProtocolVersion] group.add_argument('--proxy-protocol', choices=pp_choices, help='the PROXY protocol version string')
[docs] async def start(self, stack: AsyncExitStack) -> None: backend = self.backend config = self.config servers: list[AbstractServer] = [] imap_server = IMAPServer(backend.login, config) pp_reader = ProxyProtocolReader(config.proxy_protocol) imap_server_cb = pp_reader.get_callback(imap_server) if config.args.inherited_sockets: sockets = InheritedSockets.of(config.args.inherited_sockets).get() if not sockets: raise ValueError('No inherited sockets found') for sock in sockets: servers.append(await asyncio.start_server( imap_server_cb, sock=sock)) else: servers.append(await asyncio.start_server( imap_server_cb,, port=config.port)) for server in servers: await stack.enter_async_context(server) task = asyncio.create_task(server.serve_forever()) stack.callback(task.cancel)
[docs] class IMAPServer: """Callable object that creates and runs :class:`IMAPConnection` objects when :func:`asyncio.start_server` receives a new connection. Args: login: Login callback that takes authentication credentials and returns a :class:`~pymap.interfaces.session.SessionInterface` object. config: Settings to use for the IMAP server. """ __slots__ = ['commands', '_login', '_config'] def __init__(self, login: LoginInterface, config: IMAPConfig) -> None: super().__init__() self.commands = config.commands self._login = login self._config = config async def __call__(self, reader: StreamReader, writer: StreamWriter, sock_info: SocketInfo) -> None: conn = IMAPConnection(self.commands, self._config, reader, writer, sock_info) state = ConnectionState(self._login, self._config) async with AsyncExitStack() as stack: connection_exit.set(stack) stack.enter_context(closing(conn)) await
[docs] class IMAPConnection: """Runs a single IMAP connection from start to finish. Args: commands: Defines the IMAP commands available to the connection. config: Settings to use for the IMAP connection. reader: The input stream for the socket. writer: The output stream for the socket. """ _lines = re.compile(r'\r?\n') _literal_plus = re.compile(br'{(\d+)\+}\r?\n$') __slots__ = ['commands', 'config', 'params', 'bad_command_limit', 'reader', 'writer', 'pp_reader', 'pp_result'] def __init__(self, commands: Commands, config: IMAPConfig, reader: StreamReader, writer: StreamWriter, sock_info: SocketInfo) -> None: super().__init__() self.commands = commands self.config = config self.params = config.parsing_params self.bad_command_limit = config.bad_command_limit self.reader = reader self.writer = writer socket_info.set(sock_info) def close(self) -> None: self.writer.close() @classmethod def _print(cls, log_format: str, output: str | bytes) -> None: if _log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): uid = socket_info.get().unique_id.hex() if not isinstance(output, str): output = str(output, 'utf-8', 'replace') lines = cls._lines.split(output) if not lines[-1]: lines = lines[:-1] for line in lines: _log.debug(log_format, uid, line) def _exec(self, future: Awaitable[_Ret]) -> Awaitable[_Ret]: return subsystem.get().execute(future) async def readline(self) -> memoryview: buf = bytearray(await self.reader.readline()) while True: if not buf.endswith(b'\n'): raise EOFError() elif buf.endswith(b'+}\n') or buf.endswith(b'+}\r\n'): lit_plus = else: lit_plus = None if lit_plus: literal_length = int( buf += await self.reader.readexactly(literal_length) buf += await self.reader.readline() else: self._print('%s -->| %s', buf) return memoryview(buf) async def read_continuation(self, literal_length: int) -> memoryview: extra_literal = await self.reader.readexactly(literal_length) self._print('%s -->| %s', extra_literal) extra_line = await self.readline() extra = extra_literal + bytes(extra_line) return memoryview(extra) async def authenticate(self, state: ConnectionState, mech_name: bytes) \ -> ServerCredentials | None: mech = state.auth.get_server(mech_name) if not mech: return None responses: list[ChallengeResponse] = [] while True: try: creds, final = mech.server_attempt(responses) except ServerChallenge as chal: chal_bytes = b64encode( cont = ResponseContinuation(chal_bytes) await self.write_response(cont) resp_bytes = bytes(await self.read_continuation(0)) if resp_bytes.rstrip(b'\r\n') == b'*': raise AuthenticationError('Authentication canceled.') \ from None try: resp_dec = b64decode(resp_bytes) except binascii.Error as exc: raise AuthenticationError() from exc else: responses.append(ChallengeResponse(, resp_dec)) else: if final is not None: cont = ResponseContinuation(b64encode(final)) await self.write_response(cont) await self.read_continuation(0) return creds async def _interrupt(self, state: ConnectionState, interrupt: ParsingInterrupt, continuations: list[memoryview]) -> None: expected = interrupt.expected if isinstance(expected, ExpectContinuation): cont = ResponseContinuation(expected.message) await self.write_response(cont) ret = await self.read_continuation(expected.literal_length) continuations.append(ret) else: raise TypeError(expected) from interrupt async def read_command(self, state: ConnectionState) -> Command: line = await self.readline() conts: list[memoryview] = [] while True: parsing_state = ParsingState(continuations=conts) params = self.params.copy(parsing_state) try: cmd, _ = self.commands.parse(line, params) except ParsingInterrupt as interrupt: await self._interrupt(state, interrupt, conts) else: return cmd async def read_idle_done(self, cmd: IdleCommand) -> bool: buf = await self.read_continuation(0) ok, _ = cmd.parse_done(buf) return ok async def write_response(self, resp: Response) -> None: try: await resp.async_write(self.writer) await self.writer.drain() except ConnectionError: pass else: self._print('%s <--| %s', bytes(resp)) async def start_tls(self) -> None: ssl_context = self.config.ssl_context await self.writer.start_tls(ssl_context) self._print('%s <->| %s', '<TLS handshake>') async def send_error_disconnect(self) -> None: _, exc, _ = sys.exc_info() if isinstance(exc, CancelledError): resp = ResponseBye(b'Server has closed the connection.', ResponseCode.of(b'UNAVAILABLE')) else: resp = ResponseBye(b'Unhandled server error.', ResponseCode.of(b'SERVERBUG')) try: await self.write_response(resp) except IOError: pass async def write_updates(self, untagged: Iterable[Response]) -> None: for resp in untagged: await self.write_response(resp) async def handle_updates(self, state: ConnectionState, done: Event, cmd: IdleCommand) -> None: while not done.is_set(): untagged = await self._exec(state.receive_updates(cmd, done)) await shield(self.write_updates(untagged)) async def idle(self, state: ConnectionState, cmd: IdleCommand) \ -> CommandResponse: response = await self._exec(state.do_command(cmd)) if not isinstance(response, ResponseOk): return response await self.write_response(ResponseContinuation(b'Idling.')) done = subsystem.get().new_event() updates_task = asyncio.create_task( self.handle_updates(state, done, cmd)) done_task = asyncio.create_task(self.read_idle_done(cmd)) updates_exc: Exception | None = None done_exc: Exception | None = None try: ok = await done_task except Exception as exc: done_exc = exc finally: done.set() try: await updates_task except Exception as exc: updates_exc = exc if updates_exc: raise updates_exc elif done_exc: raise done_exc elif not ok: return ResponseBad(cmd.tag, b'Expected "DONE".') else: return response
[docs] async def run(self, state: ConnectionState) -> None: """Start the socket communication with the IMAP greeting, and then enter the command/response cycle. Args: state: Defines the interaction with the backend plugin. """ self._print('%s +++| %s', str(socket_info.get())) try: await self._run_state(state) finally: self._print('%s ---| %s', b'<disconnected>')
async def _run_state(self, state: ConnectionState) -> None: bad_commands = 0 try: greeting = await self._exec(state.do_greeting()) except ResponseError as exc: resp = exc.get_response(b'*') resp.condition = ResponseBye.condition await self.write_response(resp) return else: await self.write_response(greeting) while True: try: cmd = await self.read_command(state) except (ConnectionError, EOFError): break except CancelledError: await self.send_error_disconnect() break except Exception: await self.send_error_disconnect() raise else: prev_cmd = current_command.set(cmd) try: if isinstance(cmd, AuthenticateCommand): creds = await self.authenticate(state, cmd.mech_name) response = await self._exec( state.do_authenticate(cmd, creds)) elif isinstance(cmd, IdleCommand): response = await self.idle(state, cmd) else: response = await self._exec(state.do_command(cmd)) except ResponseError as exc: resp = exc.get_response(cmd.tag) await self.write_response(resp) if resp.is_terminal: break except AuthenticationError as exc: msg = bytes(str(exc), 'utf-8', 'surrogateescape') resp = ResponseBad(cmd.tag, msg) await self.write_response(resp) except TimeoutError: resp = ResponseNo(cmd.tag, b'Operation timed out.', ResponseCode.of(b'TIMEOUT')) await self.write_response(resp) except (CancelledError, ConnectionError, EOFError): await self.send_error_disconnect() break except Exception: await self.send_error_disconnect() raise else: await self.write_response(response) if response.is_bad: bad_commands += 1 if self.bad_command_limit \ and bad_commands >= self.bad_command_limit: msg = b'Too many errors, disconnecting.' response.add_untagged(ResponseBye(msg)) else: bad_commands = 0 if response.is_terminal: break if isinstance(cmd, StartTLSCommand) \ and isinstance(response, ResponseOk): try: await self.start_tls() except ConnectionError: break except SSLError as exc: self._print('%s <->| <TLS failure: %s>', exc.reason) return finally: await state.do_cleanup() current_command.reset(prev_cmd)