Source code for pymap.backend.maildir

from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
import os.path
import secrets
import uuid
from argparse import Action, ArgumentParser, Namespace
from import Mapping, AsyncIterator, Set
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from contextlib import asynccontextmanager, AsyncExitStack
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Any, Final

from pysasl.creds.server import ServerCredentials

from pymap.concurrent import Subsystem
from pymap.config import BackendCapability, IMAPConfig
from pymap.exceptions import AuthorizationFailure, InvalidAuth, \
    NotAllowedError, UserNotFound
from pymap.filter import PluginFilterSet, SingleFilterSet
from pymap.frozen import frozendict
from import HealthStatus
from pymap.interfaces.backend import BackendInterface
from pymap.interfaces.login import LoginInterface, IdentityInterface
from pymap.interfaces.token import TokenCredentials, TokensInterface
from pymap.token import AllTokens
from pymap.user import Passwords, UserMetadata

from .layout import MaildirLayout
from .mailbox import Message, Maildir, MailboxSet
from .users import UsersFile, PasswordsFile, TokensFile, GroupsFile
from ..session import BaseSession

__all__ = ['MaildirBackend', 'Config']

[docs] class MaildirBackend(BackendInterface): """Defines an on-disk backend that uses :class:`~mailbox.Maildir` for mailbox storage and `MailboxFormat/Maildir <>`_ for metadata storage. """ def __init__(self, login: Login, config: Config) -> None: super().__init__() self._login = login self._config = config self._status = HealthStatus() @property def login(self) -> Login: return self._login @property def config(self) -> Config: return self._config @property def status(self) -> HealthStatus: return self._status
[docs] @classmethod def add_subparser(cls, name: str, subparsers: Any) -> ArgumentParser: parser: ArgumentParser = subparsers.add_parser( name, help='on-disk backend') parser.add_argument('base_dir', metavar='DIR', action=_BaseDirAction, help='base directory for mailbox relative paths') parser.add_argument('--concurrency', metavar='NUM', type=int, help='maximum number of IO workers') parser.add_argument('--layout', metavar='TYPE', default='++', help='maildir directory layout') parser.add_argument('--colon', metavar='CHAR', default=None, help='info delimiter in mail filename') return parser
[docs] @classmethod async def init(cls, args: Namespace, **overrides: Any) \ -> tuple[MaildirBackend, Config]: config = Config.from_args(args) login = Login(config) if not os.path.exists(config.base_dir): os.mkdir(config.base_dir) return cls(login, config), config
[docs] async def start(self, stack: AsyncExitStack) -> None: pass
class _BaseDirAction(Action): def __call__(self, parser: ArgumentParser, namespace: Namespace, values: Any, option_string: str | None = None) -> None: assert isinstance(values, str) if os.path.isfile(values): raise parser.error( f'{self.metavar} argument {values!r} must not be a file') setattr(namespace, self.dest, values)
[docs] class Config(IMAPConfig): """The config implementation for the maildir backend. Args: args: The command-line arguments. base_dir: The base directory for all relative mailbox paths. layout: The Maildir directory layout. colon: The info delimiter in mail filename. hash_interface: The hash algorithm to use for passwords. """ def __init__(self, args: Namespace, *, base_dir: str, layout: str, colon: str | None, **extra: Any) -> None: super().__init__(args, admin_key=secrets.token_bytes(), **extra) self._base_dir = base_dir self._layout = layout self._colon = colon @property def backend_capability(self) -> BackendCapability: return BackendCapability(idle=True, object_id=True, multi_append=True) @property def base_dir(self) -> str: """The base directory for all relative paths.""" return self._base_dir @property def layout(self) -> str: """The Maildir directory layout name. See Also: :class:`~pymap.backend.maildir.layout.MaildirLayout` """ return self._layout @property def colon(self) -> str | None: """The info delimiter in mail filename. See Also: Note on ``colon`` in :class:`mailbox.Maildir`. """ return self._colon
[docs] @classmethod def parse_args(cls, args: Namespace) -> Mapping[str, Any]: executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(args.concurrency) subsystem = Subsystem.for_executor(executor) return {**super().parse_args(args), 'base_dir': args.base_dir, 'layout': args.layout, 'colon': args.colon, 'subsystem': subsystem}
class FilterSet(PluginFilterSet[bytes], SingleFilterSet[bytes]): def __init__(self, user_dir: str) -> None: super().__init__('sieve', bytes) self._user_dir = user_dir async def replace_active(self, value: bytes | None) -> None: path = os.path.join(self._user_dir, 'dovecot.sieve') if value is None: try: os.unlink(path) except FileNotFoundError: pass else: with open(path, 'wb') as sieve_file: sieve_file.write(value) async def get_active(self) -> bytes | None: path = os.path.join(self._user_dir, 'dovecot.sieve') try: with open(path, 'rb') as sieve_file: return except FileNotFoundError: return None class Session(BaseSession[Message]): """The session implementation for the maildir backend.""" resource = __name__ def __init__(self, owner: str, config: Config, mailbox_set: MailboxSet, filter_set: FilterSet) -> None: super().__init__(owner) self._config = config self._mailbox_set = mailbox_set self._filter_set = filter_set @property def config(self) -> Config: return self._config @property def mailbox_set(self) -> MailboxSet: return self._mailbox_set @property def filter_set(self) -> FilterSet: return self._filter_set class Login(LoginInterface): """The login implementation for the maildir backend.""" def __init__(self, config: Config) -> None: super().__init__() self.config = config self._passwords = Passwords(config) self._tokens = AllTokens(config) @property def tokens(self) -> AllTokens: return self._tokens async def authenticate(self, credentials: ServerCredentials) \ -> Identity: config = self.config authcid = credentials.authcid roles: set[str] = set() token_id: str | None = None if isinstance(credentials, TokenCredentials): token_id = credentials.identifier roles.update(credentials.roles) identity = Identity(config, self.tokens, authcid, token_id, roles) try: user = await identity.get() except UserNotFound: await asyncio.sleep(self.config.invalid_user_sleep) user = UserMetadata(config, authcid) roles |= user.roles if not await self._passwords.check_password(user, credentials): raise InvalidAuth() return identity async def authorize(self, authenticated: IdentityInterface, authzid: str) \ -> Identity: authcid = roles = authenticated.roles if authcid != authzid and roles.isdisjoint({'sudo', 'admin'}): raise AuthorizationFailure() return Identity(self.config, self.tokens, authzid, None, roles) class Identity(IdentityInterface): """The identity implementation for the maildir backend.""" def __init__(self, config: Config, tokens: TokensInterface, name: str, token_id: str | None, roles: Set[str]) -> None: super().__init__() self.config: Final = config self.tokens: Final = tokens self._name = name self._token_id = token_id self._roles = frozenset(roles) self._base_dir = config.base_dir @property def name(self) -> str: return self._name @property def roles(self) -> frozenset[str]: return self._roles async def new_token(self, *, expiration: datetime | None = None) \ -> str | None: base_dir = self._base_dir name = identifier = uuid.uuid4().hex key = secrets.token_bytes() async with UsersFile.with_write(base_dir) as users_file, \ TokensFile.with_write(base_dir) as tokens_file: if not users_file.has(name): raise UserNotFound(name) tokens_file.set(tokens_file.build_record( identifier, key, name)) return self.tokens.get_login_token(identifier, name, key) @asynccontextmanager async def new_session(self) -> AsyncIterator[Session]: config = self.config base_dir = self._base_dir name = async with UsersFile.with_read(base_dir) as users_file: try: user_record = users_file.get(name) except KeyError as exc: raise UserNotFound(name) from exc else: mailbox_path = user_record.home_dir maildir, layout = self._load_maildir(mailbox_path) mailbox_set = MailboxSet(maildir, layout) filter_set = FilterSet(layout.path) yield Session(, config, mailbox_set, filter_set) def _load_maildir(self, mailbox_path: str) \ -> tuple[Maildir, MaildirLayout[Any]]: full_path = os.path.join(self._base_dir, mailbox_path) layout = MaildirLayout.get(full_path, self.config.layout, Maildir) create = not os.path.exists(full_path) maildir = Maildir(full_path, create=create) colon = self.config.colon if colon is not None: maildir.colon = colon return maildir, layout async def get(self) -> UserMetadata: base_dir = self._base_dir name = token_id = self._token_id password: str | None = None token_key: bytes | None = None roles = set(self._roles) async with UsersFile.with_read(base_dir) as users_file, \ GroupsFile.with_read(base_dir) as groups_file: if token_id is None: async with PasswordsFile.with_read(base_dir) as passwords_file: try: password_record = passwords_file.get(name) except KeyError: pass else: password = password_record.password if not password or password[0] in ('*', '!'): password = None # disabled else: async with TokensFile.with_read(base_dir) as tokens_file: try: token = tokens_file.get(token_id) except KeyError as exc: raise UserNotFound() from exc else: self._name = name = token.users_list token_key = bytes.fromhex(token.password) try: user_record = users_file.get(name) except KeyError as exc: raise UserNotFound(name) from exc else: if user_record.uid == '0': roles.add('admin') mailbox_path = user_record.home_dir for role in groups_file.get_user(name): roles.add( params = frozendict({'mailbox_path': mailbox_path}) return UserMetadata(self.config, name, password=password, token_key=token_key, roles=frozenset(roles), params=params) async def set(self, metadata: UserMetadata) -> None: base_dir = self._base_dir name = password = metadata.password if metadata.password is not None else '*' mailbox_path = metadata.params.get('mailbox_path', name) roles = metadata.roles if self.roles.isdisjoint({'sudo', 'admin'}): async with UsersFile.with_read(base_dir) as users_file, \ GroupsFile.with_read(base_dir) as groups_file: try: existing_user = users_file.get(name) except KeyError: pass else: if mailbox_path != existing_user.home_dir: raise NotAllowedError('Cannot assign parameters.') existing_roles = { for group in groups_file.get_user(name)} if metadata.roles != existing_roles: raise NotAllowedError('Cannot assign roles.') async with UsersFile.with_write(base_dir) as users_file, \ PasswordsFile.with_write(base_dir) as passwords_file, \ GroupsFile.with_write(base_dir) as groups_file: users_file.set(users_file.build_record(name, mailbox_path)) passwords_file.set(passwords_file.build_record(name, password)) groups_file.remove_user(name) groups_file.merge(groups_file.build_record(role, name) for role in roles) async def delete(self) -> None: base_dir = self._base_dir name = async with UsersFile.with_write(base_dir) as users_file, \ PasswordsFile.with_write(base_dir) as passwords_file, \ TokensFile.with_write(base_dir) as tokens_file, \ GroupsFile.with_write(base_dir) as groups_file: try: users_file.remove(name) except KeyError as exc: raise UserNotFound(name) from exc try: passwords_file.remove(name) except KeyError: pass tokens_file.remove_user(name) groups_file.remove_user(name)