Source code for pymap.backend.mailbox

from __future__ import annotations

from abc import abstractmethod
from import Iterable, Sequence, AsyncIterable
from typing import TypeVar, Protocol, Any

from pymap.concurrent import Event
from pymap.flags import FlagOp
from pymap.interfaces.message import MessageT_co, CachedMessage
from pymap.listtree import ListTree
from pymap.mailbox import MailboxSnapshot
from pymap.parsing.message import AppendMessage
from pymap.parsing.specials import ObjectId, SequenceSet
from pymap.parsing.specials.flag import get_system_flags, Flag, Deleted, Recent
from pymap.selected import SelectedSet, SelectedMailbox

__all__ = ['MailboxDataT', 'MailboxDataT_co',
           'MailboxDataInterface', 'MailboxSetInterface']

#: Type variable with an upper bound of :class:`MailboxDataInterface`.
MailboxDataT = TypeVar('MailboxDataT', bound='MailboxDataInterface[Any]')

#: Covariant type variable with an upper bound of
#: :class:`MailboxDataInterface`.
MailboxDataT_co = TypeVar('MailboxDataT_co', bound='MailboxDataInterface[Any]',

[docs] class MailboxDataInterface(Protocol[MessageT_co]): """Manages the messages and metadata associated with a single mailbox.""" @property @abstractmethod def mailbox_id(self) -> ObjectId: """The mailbox object ID. See Also: :attr:`~pymap.interfaces.mailbox.MailboxInterface.mailbox_id` """ ... @property @abstractmethod def readonly(self) -> bool: """Whether the mailbox is read-only or read-write.""" ... @property @abstractmethod def uid_validity(self) -> int: """The mailbox UID validity value.""" ... @property def permanent_flags(self) -> frozenset[Flag]: """The permanent flags allowed in the mailbox.""" return get_system_flags() - {Recent} @property def session_flags(self) -> frozenset[Flag]: """The session flags allowed in the mailbox.""" return frozenset({Recent}) @property @abstractmethod def selected_set(self) -> SelectedSet: """The set of selected mailbox sessions currently active.""" ...
[docs] @abstractmethod async def update_selected(self, selected: SelectedMailbox, *, wait_on: Event | None = None) -> SelectedMailbox: """Populates and returns the selected mailbox object with the state needed to discover updates. Args: selected: the selected mailbox object. wait_on: If given, block until this event signals or mailbox activity occurs. """ ...
[docs] @abstractmethod async def append(self, append_msg: AppendMessage, *, recent: bool = False) -> MessageT_co: """Adds a new message to the end of the mailbox, returning a copy of message with its assigned UID. Args: append_msg: The new message data. recent: True if the message should be marked recent. """ ...
[docs] @abstractmethod async def copy(self: MailboxDataT, uid: int, destination: MailboxDataT, *, recent: bool = False) -> int | None: """Copies a message, if it exists, from this mailbox to the *destination* mailbox. Args: uid: The UID of the message to copy. destination: The destination mailbox. recent: True if the message should be marked recent. """ ...
[docs] @abstractmethod async def move(self: MailboxDataT, uid: int, destination: MailboxDataT, *, recent: bool = False) -> int | None: """Moves a message, if it exists, from this mailbox to the *destination* mailbox. Args: uid: The UID of the message to move. destination: The destination mailbox. recent: True if the message should be marked recent. """ ...
[docs] @abstractmethod async def get(self, uid: int, cached_msg: CachedMessage) -> MessageT_co: """Return the message with the given UID. Args: uid: The message UID. cached_msg: The last known cached message. """ ...
[docs] @abstractmethod async def update(self, uid: int, cached_msg: CachedMessage, flag_set: frozenset[Flag], mode: FlagOp) -> MessageT_co: """Update the permanent flags of the message. Args: uid: The message UID. cached_msg: The last known cached message. flag_set: The set of flags for the update operation. flag_op: The mode to change the flags. """ ...
[docs] @abstractmethod async def delete(self, uids: Iterable[int]) -> None: """Delete messages with the given UIDs. Args: uids: The message UIDs. """ ...
[docs] @abstractmethod async def claim_recent(self, selected: SelectedMailbox) -> None: """Messages that are newly added to the mailbox are assigned the ``\\Recent`` flag in the current selected mailbox session. Args: selected: The selected mailbox session. """ ...
[docs] @abstractmethod async def cleanup(self) -> None: """Perform any necessary "housekeeping" steps. This may be a slow operation, and may run things like garbage collection on the backend. See Also: :meth:`~pymap.interfaces.session.SessionInterface.check_mailbox` """ ...
[docs] @abstractmethod async def snapshot(self) -> MailboxSnapshot: """Returns a snapshot of the current state of the mailbox.""" ...
[docs] async def find(self, seq_set: SequenceSet, selected: SelectedMailbox) \ -> AsyncIterable[tuple[int, MessageT_co]]: """Find the active message UID and message pairs in the mailbox that are contained in the given sequences set. Message sequence numbers are resolved by the selected mailbox session. Args: seq_set: The sequence set of the desired messages. selected: The selected mailbox session. """ for seq, cached_msg in selected.messages.get_all(seq_set): msg = await self.get(cached_msg.uid, cached_msg) if msg is not None: yield (seq, msg)
[docs] async def find_deleted(self, seq_set: SequenceSet, selected: SelectedMailbox) -> Sequence[int]: """Return all the active message UIDs that have the ``\\Deleted`` flag. Args: seq_set: The sequence set of the possible messages. selected: The selected mailbox session. """ session_flags = selected.session_flags return [msg.uid async for _, msg in self.find(seq_set, selected) if Deleted in msg.get_flags(session_flags)]
[docs] class MailboxSetInterface(Protocol[MailboxDataT_co]): """Manages the set of mailboxes available to the authenticated user.""" @property @abstractmethod def delimiter(self) -> str: """The delimiter used in mailbox names to indicate hierarchy.""" ...
[docs] @abstractmethod async def set_subscribed(self, name: str, subscribed: bool) -> None: """Add or remove the subscribed status of a mailbox. See Also: :meth:`~pymap.interfaces.session.SessionInterface.subscribe` :meth:`~pymap.interfaces.session.SessionInterface.unsubscribe` Args: name: The name of the mailbox. subscribed: True if the mailbox should be subscribed. """ ...
[docs] @abstractmethod async def list_subscribed(self) -> ListTree: """Return a list of all subscribed mailboxes. See Also: :meth:`~pymap.interfaces.session.SessionInterface.list_mailboxes` """ ...
[docs] @abstractmethod async def list_mailboxes(self) -> ListTree: """Return a list of all mailboxes. See Also: :meth:`~pymap.interfaces.session.SessionInterface.list_mailboxes` """ ...
[docs] @abstractmethod async def get_mailbox(self, name: str) -> MailboxDataT_co: """Return an existing mailbox by name. Args: name: The name of the mailbox. Raises: KeyError: The mailbox did not exist. """ ...
[docs] @abstractmethod async def add_mailbox(self, name: str) -> ObjectId: """Create a new mailbox, returning its object ID. See Also: :meth:`~pymap.interfaces.session.SessionInterface.create_mailbox` Args: name: The name of the mailbox. Raises: ValueError: The mailbox already exists. """ ...
[docs] @abstractmethod async def delete_mailbox(self, name: str) -> None: """Delete an existing mailbox. See Also: :meth:`~pymap.interfaces.session.SessionInterface.delete_mailbox` Args: name: The name of the mailbox. Raises: KeyError: The mailbox did not exist. """ ...
[docs] @abstractmethod async def rename_mailbox(self, before: str, after: str) -> None: """Rename an existing mailbox. See Also: :meth:`~pymap.interfaces.session.SessionInterface.rename_mailbox` Args: before: The name of the existing mailbox. after: The name of the destination mailbox. Raises: KeyError: The *before* mailbox does not exist. ValueError: The *after* mailbox already exists. """ ...